Releasing the inner clutter

As I work through my physical clutter, I’m also working through my inner emotional and mental clutter – much of which goes back to childhood memories.

When I was growing up, the phrase “waste not, want not” was a familiar family refrain. We had enough, but not lots, and my parents were careful stewards of the family resources.

I know that phrase is meant to be a simple reminder for good stewardship, but for some reason it’s never sat quite comfortably with me. Despite my efforts over the years to be a ‘good steward’, my inner rebel got all too good at wasting and wanting plenty!

It is hard to overcome that ingrained inner voice – but I’m working on it. And I’ve found a new phrase that helps me move through my guilt at past unwise decisions:

release or embrace

This simple phrase works as both a statement and a question. It makes me acknowledge that there really are only two options for the things in my life: if I don’t want to embrace them, then I need to release them. And if I don’t want to release them, I need to be willing to embrace them. There is no space for half-heartedness, nor wriggle space to cop-out of the hard stuff.

I’m only beginning this part of my journey, but I am already feeling the power of these words.

I know I’m in for some big changes ahead, as there’s plenty in my life I no longer want to embrace. But there’s also plenty that I want to embrace and cherish more and more strongly.

So here’s a quick sampling of some of the things I’m ready to release or embrace:


  • My true self
  • Hanging with my peeps (both family and friends)
  • Creating a vibrant, friendly home and garden
  • Dancing with my tribe
  • Writing
  • ‘Yarning’


  • Stuff I haven’t really used for twenty years!
  • Old habits that don’t support my current life and loves
  • Books that belong to former selves (newsflash: I’m not a 20-year-old history student any more!)
  • Social media feeds that drag me down (more on this soon)

How about you?

What can you release from your life?

And what are you ready to embrace wholeheartedly?

Author: verdant1

belly dancer, mother, student, public servant, shaman, knitter, sister, feminist, gardener and a lot more...

2 thoughts on “Releasing the inner clutter”

    1. Thank you ❤
      I wanted a phrase that was completely positive ('keep or discard' just wasn't quite doing it for me).
      Marie Kondo's (KonMari) book has really helped me accept my relationship with my stuff – I love her 'spark of joy' concept and wanted to reflect that in my own key phrase…


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